Our CEO - Paul Kola
IT that works for you
Started in 2000, Kola Systems is a complete technology solution provider. We are 100% committed to making sure business owners have the most reliable and professional IT service in Virginia, DC and Maryland. Our team of talented IT professionals can solve your IT nightmares once and for all.
Here’s why so many businesses depend on Kola Systems for complete IT services and support:
- Fast response. All calls are answered live by a real person so you are not lost in voice mail or in a phone tree. Don’t you hate it when you call your IT provider and have to leave a voicemail and then not know if they will even return your call or follow up? At Kola Systems, we don’t think that’s right. Our Support Desk will answer your call within 15 minutes guaranteed! As a matter of fact, most calls to our Support Desk will have you speaking with a technician in under 90 seconds!
- Fast resolution. From initial call in to the Support Desk to problem resolution averages 12 minutes. Our technicians answer live. Over 94% of support requests are resolved by our Support Desk on the first call. No waiting for a technician to call you back or to be dispatched and no waiting for a technician to arrive. Saving you money with reduced downtime and less impact on productivity.
- We are Truly Flat-Rate, All Inclusive IT. You will not see out-of-scope support labor or hourly rate charges ever! Forget tracking a technician’s hours. There are no hidden fees or charges in our agreements. Anywhere. Does your current IT company charge every time you call them out or for each issue, even ones they’ve “fixed” before? We won’t. One Price. No Nickel and Diming. Ever!
- Security Focused. We are fanatical about Cyber Security and cover all areas of security: Protection, Detection and Response, with true 24/7/365 monitoring, management and remediation by our NOC, SOC and Security Teams. Most IT companies only provide Protection elements and say they do “24/7” monitoring. Yet according to the FBI and DOD in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the average amount of time that malware is left undetected on a business network is 204 days, and the average time before a business knows their data has been breached is 408 days. We provide an extensive stack of security products with the highest zero day protection rating in the industry and have eyes on all suspicious activity to detect and respond to threats. Detection and fast response is necessary to mitigate your risk. Plus we provide $250,000 in Cyber Breach Insurance, Dark Web scans daily, and Security Awareness training andtips to your staff on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. Relax. IT’s covered.
- Not just another “Computer Guy.” We provide Nationwide Managed IT Services. Our technicians use single service delivery model based on a proven methodology and quantifiable results, and utilize top-tiered security & remote solutions to support you and your staff.
- We know it’s you (or your staff) when we remote in. By provide a simple, secure, user verification process via ID 20/20, our unique and proprietary solution to the social engineering threat actions that have doubled since 2013. ID 20/20 is a verification tool we use to stop bad actors from gaining access to your network by creating an easy,painless, process to verify who’s actually on the other end of the line.
- Experience Driven. We have great depth in technical experience and have been in the IT business since 2000 servicing clients all throughout Virginia, DC and Maryland. We have a far more mature and well-staffed Support Desk than most IT service companies, which enables us to answer our support lines LIVE by a competent technician ready to work on resolving your problem immediately.
- Documentation you can trust. We don’t hold your network, data or IT information hostage. We provide you with complete network and IT documentation which is updated continuously using a state of the art electronic technology documentation system. You’ll finally have all the information you are supposed to have for compliance, tracking and tax information in an online system that we provide you access to. We’ll even provide you with a hard copy of all of your documentation at least once per year and quarterly upon request.
- No geek-speak allowed! We pride ourselves on having some of the friendliest, most professional techs you will ever meet and speak to. We’ll explain what’s wrong and what’s needed in plain English. Our techs will never talk down to you or make you feel stupid for asking questions or for not understanding what they’re talking about. Just happy and helpful techs that want nothing more than to help you get your problem resolved. Our Customer Satisfaction ratings average 97.6%!
- We are Your IT Department. It’s like having your own IT staff, only better. We believe in Goal Alignment (uptime) and our business interests are aligned with yours. We are not paid or rewarded if you have down time like most IT companies. We take complete ownership over all IT management and assume all the risk. Your smoothly running network is the only way we are successful. We cover IT, you grow your business.
Our custom service packages deliver what you need and want without overstepping the boundaries of your budget. From cloud services to data backup, Kola Systems is here to team up with you and your company for expert support.

The Price-Conscious Business Owners’ Guide To IT Support Services And Fees
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide services and solutions that will enable your business to be more effective, efficient and profitable. We take pride in delivering services that exceed your expectations, are responsive, and are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect.